Conversion Rate Benchmarks

Get the average conversion rates per category for a selected country, channel and date range.

The Conversion Rate Benchmarks endpoint returns the list of categories and their conversion rates in a given country, type of app, channel and date range. For each benchmark, we ensure there is a significant number of apps for the numbers to be statistically relevant. If we donโ€™t have sufficient data, a "null" response is returned.


On iOS the following conversion rate benchmarks are available:

  • impressions_to_page_views = โ€œTotal page viewsโ€ / โ€œTotal Impressionsโ€
  • page_views_to_installs = โ€œTotal installsโ€ / โ€œTotal Page Viewsโ€
  • impressions_to_installs = โ€œTotal installsโ€ / โ€œTotal Impressionsโ€

"Total installs" corresponds to "First-time downloads" on App Store Connect.
"Total Page Viewsโ€ corresponds to "Page Views (Unique Devices)" on App Store Connect.
"Total Impressionsโ€ corresponds to "Total Impressions (Unique Devices)" on App Store Connect.

To calculate the conversion benchmarks we take the aggregated data from apps that have connected their App Store Connect with AppTweak. We're computing the conversion benchmarks ourselves with the same formula as on the App Store Connect console. The conversion rate might be different from your console as it's considering Total Downloads, Impressions (not unique) and Page views (not unique).


CVR > 100%

Sometimes the conversion rate โ€œpage_views_to_installsโ€ is above 100%. In this case, the number of first-time installs exceeds the number of product page views. This would indicate that people often download these apps directly from Search or Browse results, without visiting the app page first. Unfortunately, this is a direct consequence from the fact that we do not fetch the conversion rates directly in the console but compute them ourselves. We have no way of distinguishing the installs that come from a page view from those that come directly from an impression.

Not all conversion rates are available for every source. The following ones are available in iOS:

SourceImpressions to Page ViewsPage Views to InstallsImpressions to Installs
All Sources combined (default)โœ…โœ…โœ…
App Store Searchโœ…โœ…โœ…
App Store Browseโœ…โœ…โœ…
App ReferrerโŒโœ…โŒ
Web ReferrerโŒโœ…โŒ


App Referrers and Web Referrers directly link to the App Page of an app, which triggers a Page View. Traffic from these sources do not trigger any app impressions which explains why there is no data for the conversion rates from impressions to page views and impressions to installs.

Input parameters

The different sources can be accessed using the query parameter channel in the Conversion Rate Benchmarks endpoint. In the table beneath you can find the equivalence between the channel name and App Store Connect source name.

channelApp Store Connect equivalent
searchApp Store Search
browseApp Store Browse
apprefApp Referrer
webrefWeb Referrer
allAll channels together

Another element defining the CVR benchmarks is the type of app (free or paid). It needs to be specified with the query parameter type.

Response format

The response contains the following fields:

  • category: the iOS category code
  • category_name: the name corresponding to the category
  • impressions_to_page_views: The average conversion rate of an app in this category from Impressions to Page Views. Also known as Click-through rate (CTR)
  • page_views_to_installs: The average conversion rate of an app in this category from Page Views to Install Units. Also known as Conversion rate (CVR).
  • impressions_to_installs: The average conversion rate of an app in this category from Impressions to Install Units. Also known as Impressions rate (IR).
  • number_of_apps: The average number of apps for which we had data in the date range requested for this category.

You can find a response example here below.

  "result": {
    "category_benchmarks": [
        "category": "6018",
        "category_name": "Books",
        "impressions_to_page_views": 5.1, // CTR expressed in %
        "page_views_to_installs": 26.9, // CVR expressed in %
        "impressions_to_installs": 1.37,  // IR expressed in %
        "number_of_apps": 18.47 
  "metadata": {
    "request": {
      "path": "/api/public/store/categories/benchmarks",
      "params": {
        "device": "iphone",
        "country": "us",
        "start_date": "2021-12-15",
        "end_date": "2021-12-31",
        "channel": "search",
        "type": "free"
      "cost": 1001,
      "max_credit_cost": 1001,
      "status": 200
    "response": null


On Android the following conversion rate benchmarks is available:

  • page_views_to_installs = "All Store Listing Acquisition" / "All Store Listing Visitors"

"All Store Listing Acquisition" corresponds to Store Listing Acquistion > All users
"All Store Listing Visitors" corresponds to Store Listing Visitors > All users

We compute the conversion rate benchmarks ourself and they follow the same formula as the one on Google Play Console.

Input parameters

The different sources can be accessed using the query parameter channel in the Conversion Rate Benchmarks endpoint. In the table beneath you can find the equivalence between the channel name and Google Play Console source name.

channelGoogle Play Console equivalent
searchGoogle Play search
exploreGoogle Play explore
referralsThird-party referrals
allAll channels together

Another element defining the CVR benchmarks is the type of app (free or paid). It needs to be specified with the query parameter type.

Response format

The response contains the following fields:

  • category: the Android category code
  • category_name: the name corresponding to the category
  • page_views_to_installs: The average conversion rate of an app in this category from Page Views to Install Units. Also known as Conversion rate (CVR).
  • number_of_apps: The average number of apps for which we had data in the date range requested for this category.

You can find a response example here below.

  "result": {
    "category_benchmarks": [
        "category": "BUSINESS", 
        "category_name": "Business",
        "page_views_to_installs": 34.13, // CVR in %
        "number_of_apps": 91.14
   "metadata": {
    "request": {
      "path": "/api/public/store/categories/benchmarks",
      "params": {
        "device": "android",
        "country": "fr",
        "start_date": "2022-11-01",
        "end_date": "2022-11-07",
        "channel": "all",
        "type": "free"
      "cost": 1001,
      "max_credit_cost": 1001,
      "status": 200
    "response": null