App Metadata

Returns metadata from an app that AppTweak has been able to gather from the App Store or the Google Play Store.

The applications' metadata are all the elements (title, subtitle, screenshots, etc.) that you can find on an app store page of an application. Each store displays different types of metadata. The metadata are store-specific (iOS vs Google Play) but they can also be device, country, and/or language specific. Make sure to specify the correct ones in the query parameters.

App Metadata are available through two endpoints:

  • App Metadata - Current which returns the lates - most recent - metadata available
  • App Metadata - History which returns the historical metadata changes


Missing metadata?

Make sure to have entered the correct app ID. You can refer to our country codes to see the regions that AppTweak is currently covering.

Metadata Attributes

In the table below, you'll find the name of the metadata elements and a short explanation of each, sorted by device. The last column indicates whether those historical data is available.

AttributesiPhone/iPadAndroidDescriptionHistorical Metadata available?
titleThe App name as it appears on the App Store, in the chosen language
subtitleThe subtitle explaining the purpose of the app (introduced in iOS 11)
promotional_textThe promotional text should reflect the app’s new features, promotions, or highlighted content
descriptionThe app description as it appears on the App Store, in the chosen language
short_descriptionThe short description explaining the purpose of the app
long_descriptionThe app description as it appears on the Google Play Store, in the chosen language
idStore ID of the app
genresCategory IDs as defined for Apple or Google Play
iconURL of the icon
screenshotsApp Store: Key/value pair of the device and the screenshots URLs.
Google Play: list of screenshot URLs
videosApp Store: Key/value pair of the device and the video URLs.
Google Play: list of video URLs
feature_graphicThe graphic that appears before launching a video
sizeSize of the app in bytes
ratingAverage rating for an app
developerKey/value pairs describing the developer
pricePrice of the application as displayed in the target country
versionsA list of version hash. Each version hash specifies the version number, the date on which it was released, and the release notes in the chosen language.
release_dateThe released date indicates when the app became available. Keep in mind that the release date of an app that has been removed from the store and then re-added will correspond to the last time the app was made available (i.e., the most recent re-upload date).
similar_appsA list of app IDs advertised as alternatives for this app in the section on the application page view
customers_also_bought A list of app IDs that Apple advertises as alternatives for this app in the You May Also Like section on the application page view on the App Store
dnaThe DNA of the App


A/B tests?

A/B tests are available for Android apps in the App Metadata - History endpoints. For every change that is observed, it is indicated whether the change is related to an A/B test (True) or not (False).