App Keyword Ranking - History

Get the historical keyword metrics for selected apps (rank and installs).


MetricsCommentCredits/app/keyword for 1 dayCredits/app/keyword per extra day
rankRanking of an app for a keyword.101
installsThe estimated number of daily installs driven by a keyword to an app.101


Ranked, unranked or no data

To know whether your app is ranked on a keyword or not, you can refer to the following logic in the response data:

  • value = non-null and fetch_performed = true βž” ranked
  • value = null and fetch_performed = true βž” unranked
  • value = null and fetch_performed = false βž” no data

In addition to value, you can use effective_value, that corresponds to a value that is guaranteed to be non-null. The logic to compute effective_value is:

  • If value is not null, effective_value = value
  • Otherwise
    • If fetch_performed = true, then effective_value = 501, corresponding to the numeric representation of unranked
    • Otherwise
      • If there is at least one non-null value in the date range, take the closest day to the missing day and use that value for the effective_value (use an average if 2 days are at the same distance to the missing day)
      • Otherwise, defaults to 501
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